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Harmony Home

muretu teekond harmoonilise koduni

Tegeleme elementmajade projekteerimise, kogu asjaajamisega ehitusloast kasutusloani ja võtmed kätte kodude ehitamisega- vali sobiv kodu meie olemasolevate mudelite hulgast või projekteerime täiesti uue kodu vastavalt sinu visioonile.

Meie soov on pakkuda klientidele hubaseid, tervistavaid ja tervendavaid harmoonilisi kodusid uudseimate ehitustehnoloogiate ja ehitusmaterjalide abil. Sel viisil hoolime keskkonnast ja loodame tõsta lõpptarbijate teadlikkust langetada teadlikumaid, tervislikumaid ning keskkonnasäästlikumaid ehitusotsuseid.

Harmooniline Kodu

a carefree journey to a harmonious home

We design element houses, we deal with all matters from the building permit to the authorisation for use and build turnkey homes - choose a suitable home from our existing models or we will design a completely new home according to your vision.

Our desire is to offer our customers cozy and healing harmonious homes with the latest construction technologies and building materials.

In this way, we care about the environment and hope to raise the awareness of end users to make more informed, healthier and more environmentally friendly construction decisions.

Choose the right Home

Turnkey home price from €370,000 + VAT

Maja projekteerimine


Harmony Home-s oleme võtnud eesmärgi luua sulle unistuste kodu, mis on loodusega harmoonias, et saaksid selle õige rahuliku kodutunde.

Tänu professionaalsetele koostööpartneritele ja kvaliteetsetele loodussõbralikele ehitusmaterjalidele kestavad meie loodud majad kaua.

Lisaks kauakestvusele sulanduvad meie loodud majad ka hästi neid ümbritsevasse loodusesse luues loodusega harmoonilise tasakaalu.

Why choose

Harmooniline Kodu?

The goal - we have set a goal to create for you the home of your dreams, which is in harmony with nature, so that you can have the right peaceful feeling of home.

Homes of the future - we offer exemplary homes of the future with well-thought-out and complete solutions. Our homes comply with the laws of nature, the principles of Feng Shui have been used in the design of the house to create a harmonious home.

Stress-free - we organize all possible activities for you and involve you only in decision-making.

Convenient - all services from one place (can be ordered as a complete solution or combined according to your needs), the property is from you and all you have to do is choose the type of home from our home directory and we will build a turnkey home for you.

Quick - Turnkey home completion in four to five months.

High quality - we only work with reliable partners.

Environmentally friendly- we only use environmentally friendly construction materials and methods.

Energy efficient - all our homes are in energy class A or B.

Turnkey - you can continue your normal life during the building process and we will take care of everything else.

There is charm in simplicity

The whole process is extremely easy for you - you choose a suitable home from our element houses (or we will create a completely new house project with you according to your vision / wishes) and we will take care of the administration and construction (obtaining a building permit, preparing all necessary acts, and obtaining an authorisation for use at the end of construction).

All general construction and special parts are performed by our long-term partner, whose quality of work and also after-sales service we can be sure of.

With us, the construction is fast and of high quality, the constructions of the houses are completed in the factory and the box of the house is erected with a crane following a specific project developed by the engineer.

The choice of homes has three modern interior decoration packages with timeless lines - Standard, Premium 1 and Premium 2 packages, which are based on quality and the latest design trends, all you have to do is choose a package and we will take care of everything else.
The main value of ordering a home with turnkey service through us is the bold knowledge that you do not have to be on the construction site all the time, but get peace of mind and freedom over your time.

We offer a 2-year warranty for construction work, which means that after two years we will inspect the home and, if necessary, perform warranty works.

The equipment is guaranteed by the manufacturer and we also offer after-sales service for maintenance and in case of failures.

Lihtsuses peitub võlu

Kindlasti on oluliseks argumendiks soodne hind ja madalad kommunaalkulud, kuid kindlasti ka nende valmimise kiirus. Elementmaja projekt kestab keskmiselt 4 kuud, mis lõppeb võtmed kätte lahendusega ehk saad oma tavapärast elu maja ehituse ajal jätkata.

Erinevus tavapärase isejuhitud majaprojektiga on asjaolu, et Harmony Home maja ehituse projekt on suuremas osas meie õlgadel, seega ei ole sul muret kas valitud ehitusmaterjalid on ikkagi kvaliteetsed, kas ajaplaanist peetakse kinni või kas valitud ehitusfirma ka kvaliteetset tööd teeb. Selleks, et sinu aega säästa kaasame sind vaid otsustesse, mis määravad maja, selle sisemuse ja seda ümbritseva välimuse.

Meie teenused

Võtmed kätte energeetiline täislahendus

Peamine erinevus võtmed kätte täislahenduse teenuse on asjaolu, et käesoleva teenuse puhul on aluseks võetud feng shui ehk maja on planeeritud arvestades loodusega tasakaalu. 

Juriidiline nõustamine

Nõustame juriidilistest küsimustes. 

About us

Finding or building the home of your dreams is an extremely important goal for some of us. And in the case of our home, we want every aspect to be perfect and to create positive experiences in us.

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